Father Thomas Rayar
Father Thomas Rayar is originally from Punalvasal, in southeastern India. He was ordained a priest in 1993, and came to United States in 1995. Previously he was pastor at St Raphael’s, in Crystal, St Rose of Lima in Roseville, St. Luke’s Catholic Church in Clearwater and St Francis Xavier in Buffalo. He has degrees in psychology, philosophy, theology, political science, English literature and Business Administration, and is currently working on doctorate in Business Administration. Father Tom started with St. Margaret Mary on Sept 1, 2016.
Mary Bur, Director of Music and Liturgy
Mary has worked in parishes for over 25 years as music minister and liturgy director, pianist, cantor, and choir director. Her formal training is in Music Education, and at the present time, she is completing a Certificate in Liturgy from the University of Notre Dame.
Mary’s favorite saint is St. Cecilia, because she is the patron of music and musicians. She was a martyr of the early church, and legend has it that she “sang her heart to the Lord”, while listening to the musicians at her wedding. She is often depicted playing a small organ with angels surrounding her.
Mary’s favorite scripture passage is Psalm 63, especially the excerpt, “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.”