Lent and Easter Schedule:
Stations of the Cross will be at noon each Friday during Lent (except Good Friday)
Ash Wednesday Mass at 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM
Holy Thursday 7:00 PM
Stations on Good Friday 3:00 PM
Good Friday 7:00 PM
Easter Vigil 8:00 PM
Easter Sunday 10:00 AM
Please note: Sunday Mass is at 10:00 am
Click on the link below to watch our recorded Masses on Saturdays and on Sundays,
or Funeral Masses
For Recorded Masses
Click on Picture below to watch past Masses and events at
St. Margaret Mary or subscribe to our YouTube Channel
St. Margaret Mary Golden Valley.
How can we pray for you today?
Click Here to submit a prayer request to St. Margaret Mary.
When a death occurs – Notify the parish as soon as you are able. Plans will be made to gather the family to talk about the death and loss of your loved one and to begin planning for the funeral and burial. Please note, at this time meetings may be by phone or screens.
If you are planning to use a Funeral Home or Funeral Director please give them a call directly to arrange a meeting.
The funeral Mass / Service: Our staff will do everything possible to help with selecting the readings prayers and music. Hymnals or worship aids are currently not being used, all readings and music will be on our newly installed video screens.
Hospitality: Lunches are catered in and our Church would provide beverages and utensils.
If you have any questions about funerals please call contact the parish office.